Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Reading is sexy!

Dear Internet,

I don’t want you to feel like I have been getting my entertainment kicks elsewhere but to be honest lately I have.

As much as I like watching YouTube videos about cats getting in boxes like this guy: http://www.youtube.com/user/mugumogu how I am a bit in love with. And as much as I am addicted to celebrity news, especially from: www.perezhilton.com. AND as much as I like to watch American television shows the next day – will not reveal how I do this. I do like to read.

I have always been a big reader, I think it’s something that my parents really encouraged when we were little, and every night before we went to bed we were read a story by either my mom or dad. I think this was something that they had read about when they had kids – that if you make reading part of the bedtime routine kids will grow up and continue this tradition. I remember it being a big deal at Christmas time that we were able to bring out the Christmas books – there were special.

Books were a part of my childhood. I had a mom that stayed at home until I was 10 or so and we’d visit the library for the afternoon book reading and take out books from the lending library. I can even remember when I made the move from the kid’s section of the library to the adult section – getting a ‘real’ library card.

We used to take long road journeys when we were growing up, in the winter we would drive from Montreal to Florida – Orlando, Fort Lauderdale or Miami, that was a good 28 hours or so in the car and involved a lot of walkman playing and reading everything from Archie comics, Teen Beat magazines and RL stein and Christopher Pike books – god are either of them still around?! Well, Internet I looked and they are!

Anyhow, where ever I have gone I have opened a Library account and read books, until I can to Ireland. I’m not sure what stopped me here, but instead of borrowing books I started to buy books, www.amazon.co.uk became my friend and I would order books and jigsaw puzzles (I’ll deal with this another day) like a drug. Not to mention regular trips to Eason’s to buy books there too.

But with a two bed apartment and a firm decision to have no shelving in the place (it just creates clutter) I’m running out of space under the bed for my books – this space is normally reserved for the secret stash of shoes.

However it was on our recent cruise that I was finally sold on the Kindle from Amazon. It ticked all my boxes – easy to read, lightweight (many books at the same time – like travelling with a bookcase), and I had just been awarded my bonus at work and there were no designer shoes that were tempting me to buy (the shock and horror!!) so on the ship when everyone got off to visit Rome I logged into amazon.com and bought a Kindle.

Well Internet, I’m sorry to say we have become best friends. And the person who seems to dislike the new friend the most is my Husband. I contently hear “Oh god, more reading!” The Kindle arrived on June 20th and since then I have read over 17 books. I eat them up – I spend a Saturday just reading. I am in love. Now I love my technology and my gadgets but this one has to be hands down one of my favourites.

I splurged and purchased the Kindle leather case with light so I can read in bed at night, it’s been great and I keep waiting for my interest to recede, but for now and for the last 2 months the Kindle has gone everywhere with me, I read on eth train, on the bus, in bed and out in the sun in the park. I can’t wait till our next trip and the first thing I’m doing is filling up my Kindle and taking it with me.

For me, there’s nothing sexier than reading, so pick up a book!


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